What have I done to deserve this?
Why do you have to make it so difficult? Complicated.
If I say I wasn't I didn't I hadn't, why won't you believe me?
Are you having a bad day?
Don't just call me and vent to me on the phone. Please. Think first can? Think about the words I spoke. Think about the care, the concern, the worry I felt. All that means nothing is it?
You leave me confused, bewildered.
And with a headache. In addition to the many other pains I have.
Is this what you wanted?
All my life I've been like your punching bag of sorts. Bad mood? Take it out on her. It's ok. Holler at her. Say sorry later. Feeling blue? It's all her fault. Go call her and scold her.
Don't pull your emotional blackmail stunt on me - I'm way too old for that already. Or maybe, that trick is just too old.
I'm tired ok? Right now, at this point in time, I have very little patience to put up with difficult people. If you choose to be upset, then stay upset. I've said what I have to say, you go figure it out yourself. I really don't have the time nor energy to coax you out of your blue funk. Not my style anyway.

sunshine girl
sunshiny reads
- An Inspiring Read
- Are phones allowed in labour wards?
- My Prize
- Carnival Pics!
- Fatigue and other things...
- My favourite album..
- Results Results!
- Getting Ready!
- The Grand Finale
- Still Scrapping
- I don't know how to pay
- Thank You For Spoiling My Day
- Questions with No Answers
- In need of cheering up..
- Clipboard Factory!
- Crazy About Clipboards
- Pregnant Princess
- It's Up!
- Christmas Comes Early!
- CCC - Charity Crop Clipboards!
- A Breather
- Happy Scrappy Days!
- Scrapamania!
Love you!