Sorry for the lack of updates here lately.. it's just that I've been so terribly exhausted these past few days. This last bit of pregnancy is really wearing me down - my butt hurts still and I'm tired all the time.
I don't wish to sound weak, but there's really little else I want to do besides sleep and eat.
Maybe it's the old iron deficiency problem again. I went for my (now) weekly checkup at the doc's last Wednesday, and my blood test indicated that my haemoglobin count hadn't gone up at all (from its previously low levels). :( and of course Hunny had to baotoh me to the doctor, telling her that I hadn't been eating my iron pills. *sulkmuttergrumble*
But I'm paying for it now. So so tired. I can't scrap for long because after ten minutes or so, my arms start to ache like I've been lifting heavy weights. I can't walk/stand for long because after a while, my legs start aching like I've just run up a steep hill. My heart races after some slight exertion - and by slight exertion, I mean stuff like turning over to get out of bed.
And the cramps - ever so often my tummy will bunch up and tighten and I'll think, "Practice or for real?" Part of me desperately hopes they are for real, but it's been nothing but rehearsals so far.
It's almost noon now. I woke up at 9.30 this morning, had breakfast and did some scrapping. And now, I'm in bed again, blogging and getting sleepier by the minute. Oh and by the way, I'm hungry again.
A piggy. Yes, that's what I am. Piggy. Piggy carrying a little piggy.

sunshine girl
sunshiny reads
- An Inspiring Read
- Are phones allowed in labour wards?
- My Prize
- Carnival Pics!
- Fatigue and other things...
- My favourite album..
- Results Results!
- Getting Ready!
- The Grand Finale
- Still Scrapping
- I don't know how to pay
- Thank You For Spoiling My Day
- Questions with No Answers
- In need of cheering up..
- Clipboard Factory!
- Crazy About Clipboards
- Pregnant Princess
- It's Up!
- Christmas Comes Early!
- CCC - Charity Crop Clipboards!
- A Breather
- Happy Scrappy Days!
- Scrapamania!