If I were guilty of all that you accused me of, why did I
- call you purposely to warn you about the scam
- apologise repeatedly for my uncertainty regarding the translation
- ask you repeatedly to check the address because I wasn't sure
- remind you repeatedly to pass the message along
- repeat important parts of the message like the time to be there
- ask you so many times if you managed to take down the message
- explain to you so many times that I was busy and why
You say I was abrupt. It seems to me that I was pretty damn cheong hei.
If I didn't want to talk to you, would I have called you?
If I were disrespectful would I bother to ask if you got the message ok?
If I were rude would I bother to express concern that you might get cheated?
Eh, I really don't know what you want from me.
Everybody's love comes at a price.
For yours, I really don't know how to pay.

sunshine girl
sunshiny reads
- An Inspiring Read
- Are phones allowed in labour wards?
- My Prize
- Carnival Pics!
- Fatigue and other things...
- My favourite album..
- Results Results!
- Getting Ready!
- The Grand Finale
- Still Scrapping
- I don't know how to pay
- Thank You For Spoiling My Day
- Questions with No Answers
- In need of cheering up..
- Clipboard Factory!
- Crazy About Clipboards
- Pregnant Princess
- It's Up!
- Christmas Comes Early!
- CCC - Charity Crop Clipboards!
- A Breather
- Happy Scrappy Days!
- Scrapamania!