Sometimes I get jealous.
Everyone wants a piece of you, it seems. There are always a thousand and one things - people - screaming for your attention.
Oh, your colleague/boss needs you to do this.
Gotta do this for ministry.
Then there's this thing they need you to do.
And, don't forget your friend asked this favour of you.
You're so busy.
And then to unwind from all this business - busyness - you need the TV. Or MSN. Or Mr Brown.
But where's the time for me?
I know I'm being selfish. All that you're doing is good - beyond good, even. It's only right. Necessary. Obligations. But I can't help feeling the way I feel. I'm pregnant! Can't the others see that? Why do they keep competing with me for time with you? Why do they keep loading you with things to do, favours they ask, obligations to fulfill when I need you so much? Can't they be considerate enough to look at my swollen belly and think before they open their mouths to demand another thing from you? More time more effort - all that which drains what's left for me?
With only 3 months to go before our whole lives are changed, I'm eager - greedy - for every moment we can spend together.
I want every weekday evening when you come home from work.
I want every weekday you're off work.
I want every Saturday you have free.
I want every Sunday afternoon, and evening too.
I want every public holiday.
I want every nonpublic, self-declared holiday.
I want every outing you go to, work-related or otherwise.
I want every wedding dinner you have to attend.
I want every trip you make overseas.
And, in the famous words of someone else, I don't want to share.
Ps Colin warned us, didn't he? Our personalities are such that we like to be busy, but we must remember to come back to rest - nest - in each other.
Have we forgotten already?