Xb and Ms Ho came over to my place today to scrap. Well, actually, xb and myself scrapped while Ms Ho was wonderfully sweet and cut out stuff for me.
I love scrapping. It's more than just trying to put things together to make a pretty page.
Take today, for example. There was something special in scrapping with friends, chatting away while our hands kept busy, occasionally stopping to ask one another for some layout advice... We talked about work (theirs), family (mine), love lives (cannot say whose), friends (ours), and while the pages slowly came together, our hearts came together too.
And then there was what came after. After they left, I decided to continue scrapping. I worked on what I had started, but decided to stop because I ran out of a certain material which I needed. But I wasn't satisfied. The engine had started and I didn't feel like switching it off yet. And so I scrapped this.
I believe this is my favourite piece of work to date. It's not about how it looks (although I like the way the colours collide), it's more about how I felt. I didn't plan this one - I just started with a question, "How about if I do this?" and things just took off. One by one, the elements came together - and it became something part experimental, part intuitive. After a while, I didn't really care what went where anymore. Rather, I cared about what felt good and what didn't.
But the best part of doing this was the way it brought me back to my wedding day. I look at the photos and I smile to myself. He looks so cute with his tongue hanging out after eating the chilli. And with every piece of paper I stick down, every little embellishment I add, I remember - this is how much he loves me.

sunshine girl
sunshiny reads
- More Memories
- A New Look
- Scrapping is more than just making a pretty page
- 28 on the 28th
- One can of beer
- D-Day Stands For Difficult Day
- Decoupage
- My Scrap Shelf! and more Work..
- Scrap Galore!
- My Sister is the Sweetest One of All!
- More Scrapwork!
- Like A Fool
- Not Enough Moolah To Buy Frame
- Busy Busy!
- My New Hobby
you're inspiring me.. but unfortunately i dont have the gift like you have..