Whoo! I've been so busy lately, I'm so relieved that I've finally got the time to breathe and relax a bit!
There's a conference going on at the moment at church, busy busy busy! Plus, I went to the Babycare Festival at Suntec on Saturday to see if I could pick up some good deals - but I'm sad to say that it was such a disappointment. I was hoping to get some good discounts on the big ticket items like prams and cots, but the range they had on display was so limited.
The only good thing that came out of Saturday's foray into Suntec was that my MIL and I chanced upon a mothercare store offering up to 70% discounts in a closing down sale. We managed to grab some Avent bottles and an Avent steriliser, as well as some beautiful cutesy baby outfits! Yeah! (Note: We almost bought more, if not for the timely intervention of Ad's aunt whom we coincidentally bumped into there...)
Of course we didn't stop there. We visited more shops, both at Suntec and Marina Square and bought some more cutesy clothes...
and little sockies!
I'm so going to sue the doctor if he's wrong about my baby's gender!
Anyway, on a separate, more somber note, here's my next piece of completed scrapwork.
I wanted to try scrapping a single photo instead of multiple photos, which also gives me more room to journal on the page. I wanted this piece to convey my yearning to be somewhere else right now... away from Singapore with all its hustle and bustle and stress. I want to be somewhere idyllic, somewhere peaceful, somewhere the wind blows on my face and sweeps away all the weariness and worry, and refreshes me with scents of lemon verbena and lavender instead.

sunshine girl
sunshiny reads
- More Memories
- A New Look
- Scrapping is more than just making a pretty page
- 28 on the 28th
- One can of beer
- D-Day Stands For Difficult Day
- Decoupage
- My Scrap Shelf! and more Work..
- Scrap Galore!
- My Sister is the Sweetest One of All!
- More Scrapwork!
- Like A Fool
- Not Enough Moolah To Buy Frame
- Busy Busy!
- My New Hobby