Here's the new technique I hinted at in my last blog entry - decoupage. According to the Merriam-Webster online dictionary, decoupage is the art of decorating surfaces by applying cutouts (of paper) and then coating with usually several layers of finish (as lacquer or varnish).
In other words,
Step 1. You take an object - something firm preferably (for example, wood is better to use than cork) - and cover it with a decoupage medium. A decoupage medium is a gluey substance - it can be used as a glue and a sealant which dries clear. An example - the white glue we used in school for art lessons! Art Friend sells decoupage medium called Mod Podge. Cute name eh?
Step 2. Then you stick on paper cutouts or whatever you want to stick. Fabric can be used too. I like to call this "covering the object".
Step 3. You can stick on more paper on top of whatever paper you've stuck on already. By using the same medium.
Step 4. Finished sticking stuff? Cover the entire surface with the decoupage medium. Wait till it dries clear. Cover it again with the glue one more time.
So simple! But so very messy...
It's quite fun though! I've been experimenting - here's something I did which I quite like:
How this came about: All alone at home one day, I was bored - no ideas for scrapping. I had just learnt the decoupage technique at a class and was itching to do it more at home. Then my eyes fell upon this innocent looking cork coaster lying on my study table. I pounced on it with great relish...
Here's the other side of the coaster:
And here's how it looks hung up:
On the pregnancy front, my little baby has been kicking me quite vigorously these few days. She's getting really strong! And though her kicks are sometimes uncomfortable, it's very reassuring to feel her there. I can't describe to you the feeling of putting your hand on your tummy and feeling it move under your palm. It's as if I can feel a foot or something!

sunshine girl
sunshiny reads
- More Memories
- A New Look
- Scrapping is more than just making a pretty page
- 28 on the 28th
- One can of beer
- D-Day Stands For Difficult Day
- Decoupage
- My Scrap Shelf! and more Work..
- Scrap Galore!
- My Sister is the Sweetest One of All!
- More Scrapwork!
- Like A Fool
- Not Enough Moolah To Buy Frame
- Busy Busy!
- My New Hobby