Today was difficult. Difficult to get through, I mean. Apart from the fact that someone upset me terribly, here's why it was so difficult:
1. I was so exhausted after serving in church this weekend. I went to bed exhausted last night, and twelve hours of sleep later, I woke up still exhausted.
2. I tried to change my blogskin but the various templates I downloaded gave me so much trouble - some stupid message "cannot parse" mumbo jumbo - that I got a headache. Got stuck with this hobbity one eventually.
3. My tummy hurts. Not terribly, but it's the too-much-gas kind of pain. This is what colic feels like, I suppose.
4. I discovered cellulite on my ass last night. And this morning it was still there. Need I say more?
5. I felt nauseous for most of the day. I thought I was done with the first trimester nausea - why is it back when I'm already 6 months along??
6. It's so hot. So stiflingly hot. Hot-air-all-around, cannot-breathe-properly kind of hot. Perspire-despite-air-con-room kind of hot.
7. Something is wrong with my digestive system. I feel very undigested inside. Cannot describe. Like all the food isn't moving and it's all piling up somewhere inside and it's all choked up and urgh. Uncomfortable.
8. I feel so thirsty. So dehydrated. ALL THE TIME. So I drink a lot of water. But I keep peeing. And peeing. And peeing.
9. I have no inspiration to scrap. No ideas. No photos.
10. I feel fat, ugly, and unlovable.

sunshine girl
sunshiny reads
- More Memories
- A New Look
- Scrapping is more than just making a pretty page
- 28 on the 28th
- One can of beer
- D-Day Stands For Difficult Day
- Decoupage
- My Scrap Shelf! and more Work..
- Scrap Galore!
- My Sister is the Sweetest One of All!
- More Scrapwork!
- Like A Fool
- Not Enough Moolah To Buy Frame
- Busy Busy!
- My New Hobby